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Within Within the City

For urgent delivery of 1 to 3 hours, Express Service within the City
When you have one or several shipments that are very important and urgent for your business, ADEx will deliver them within 3 hours in the whole city.

For normal 24 - 48 hours delivery, Economic Services Within City
ADEx offers shipments within the city at low cost




Economic Economic Services Within The City

Every time you have a massive distribution of letters, documents, invoices, invitations, packages, gifts, etc. Our society through its couriers realizes their distribution in a record and accurate time.


Express Express Services Within The City

When you have one or several deliveries that are very important and urgent for your business, ADEx distributes them within 3 hours, across the city.

Between Between Towns

Only one call in one of the ADEx agencies and one of our couriers takes your shipment and our company submits it within 24 hours across the entire territory of Albania. The ADEx offers services between Point to Point and Door to Door.

Door Door to Door

Door to Door is a very convenient postal service. Just contact us, our courier arrives at your address and takes delivery. Then this delivery goes to your destination, quickly and safely.

Point Point to Point

You can submit to ADEx agencies all over Albania, and submit your shipment, this shipment can then be withdrawn from the host to which ADEx agency you determine throughout Albania.

Delivery Delivery From All over the World

With your order we bring from all over the world the deliveries you want. We also offer Cargo services from around the world, as well as transportation services from all over Europe. Within this service we also realize the sale of goods.

Against Against Payments

In order to increase the level of service and to give priority to your business, your company withdraws, by your order, the value of the goods you ship with our company at the time of delivery to the addressee in Albania and return the monetary value to you.

Delivery Delivery to All World

ADEx, in a successful cooperation with prestigious international companies, offers you fast postal service from 24 to 72 hours all over the world. For letters, documents and any other similar alerts.

Purchase Purchase Service

To give you more ease to your business and not to block large amounts of money for stored goods, our company offers a purchase service. With your order ADEx purchases in the Albanian market the goods you want, to your suppliers and submits them to the address you want.

Insurance Insurance Provider

All postal deliveries sent to our company are automatically provided within the service value. In the event of a loss of possible damage to the shipment, the company will refund you up to 3000 lek for envelopes or documents and up to 10000 lek per package. For all customers who want special shipment insurance, all shipment value is refunded. These shipments are provided with purchase invoices. You have to wait for the insurance police at the ADEx Agency where you will post your shipment.